Sunday, May 27, 2007

A Happy Boy!

Brighton is doing great!
I’ve attached a few photos of Brighton, Jura (our Gordon Setter who looks like an English Setter) and the kids…

Brighton has settled in very well; he and Jura are the best of friends, except that Jura is often pestering him to be more active… Poor Brighton just wants to kick back and relax, and Jura wants desperately to run around and play! With a bit of reminding, Jura relents and gives Brighton a break and time to himself… J

The kids are crazy about Brighton, as he’s so calm and settled compared to Jura… They spend a lot of time just snuggling with Brighton, and he soaks it all up…

He’s a great addition to our family, and has a lot of playmates between Jura and the kids… He’s gotten Jura to just settle in the afternoon and evenings in our Game Room or Living Room, which she was never known to do before (always on the go in some respect!), so he’s been a great calming influence on our crazy household!

Thanks for keeping in touch, and I’ll try to send more photos as we get them…

Take care,


Update from Brighton's new Home!

Hi Guys,
Brighton is settling in really well... He and Jura spent some time this afternoon getting to know each other a bit, and have already been snuggled up napping together! :-)

Brighton is really gentle with the kids and we've already seen a settling effect on Jura inside (although he's taken over her favorite sleeping spot)...
Brighton will be a great addition to our family, and we're all really taken with him. He seems pretty settled with things and is a very adaptable guy!
Thanks to all of you for all the great work you do! We're really lucky to have found Brighton; he's got such a great temperament and personality, and we're thankful to Greg and Pat for the fantastic care and love they've shown him...
We'll keep in touch...
Best Regards,
Marty & Bill Buchan

Brighton's Forever Home to be...

This is Brightons new fur sister, Jura.
Brighton's new backyard. This will be a great place to explore.

Saying Goodbye is never easy!

Brighton had to have one last nap with his buddy Sherman.
Shadie is trying to keep Brighton from leaving.

Making himself right at home!

Here is Brighton. Napping in his favorite chair. Sometimes alone or with whatever visitor is around.
This is Sydney with Brighton. Both passed out after some rough playing.

Not the shy kind...

It has taken a few minutes for Brighton to warm up to my wife, Patricia (yes I really do have a wife), but he is getting into his comfort zone.

Brighton's First Two Days in Foster Care

Brighton is now in Wisconsin. He loves the backyard. First thing this morning he decided to take a swim in the pond. He loved it. I wish I would have had the camera. My guess is that I wiill get another chance. Libby is warming up to him in her own way. When we are around she growls and barks at him. When they are outside they are chasing and playing. Sherman has no problem. Brighton seems like a good fit with our dogs.
Brighton & Sherman on Day 2. Buds already!